Klaas Nauta Pedigree/Kwartierstaat

1 KLAAS NAUTA, born in Grijpskerk on March 17, 1941, living there. (He was married on February 8, 1963, at the age of 21 to JACOMINA OOSTERHOF, born in Ezinga, Gron..)

II   (parents)

2 JACOBUS (KOBUS) NAUTA, born in Opende on June 2, 1880, living in Grijpskerk, died there on March 27, 1957, aged 76 years. (He was married before in Grootegast on October 15, 1904, at the age of 24 to HIELKJE HENDRIKS HELMHOUT (aged 22 years), born in Surhuisterveen on May 8, 1882, died in Groningen on November 21, 1919, aged 37 years, daughter of HENDRIK KARSTES HELMHOUT (labourer and gardener) and AAFKE OEDSES EILANDER (labourer).) He was married after 1919, at the age of at least 39 (2) to

3 BAUKTJE JANS MULDER (aged at least 20 years), born in Gaarkeuken on March 2, 1899, died in Grijpskerk on June 24, 1979, aged 80 years.

III   (grandparents)

4 REINDER KLAZES NAUTA, born in Eestrum on March 31, 1841, living in Opende, Gron. and in gem. Leek, died in Lettelbert, gem. Leek on February 10, 1919, aged 77 years. (He was married before in Buitenpost, gem. Achtk. on May 20, 1865, at the age of 24 to YPKJEN GEERTS SMEDING (aged 27 years), born in Surhuizum on October 25, 1837, died in the year 1873, aged 36 years, daughter of GEERT JOHANNES SMEDING (labourer and farmer) and TRIJNTJE KLAZES DAM.) He was married in gem. Idaarderadeel on May 14, 1874, at the age of 33 (2) to

5 YPKJE KOBUS KOOISTRA (aged 27 years), born in Irnsum on October 17, 1846, died in Grootegast on January 10, 1905, aged 58 years. (She had from an unknown man one son.)

6 JAN JACOB SIETZES MULDER, born in Groningen on October 31, 1874 (geref. kerk), living in Gaarkeuken and in Doezum. He was married in Buitenpost, gem. Achtk. on December 25, 1897, at the age of 23 to

7 RIEMKE DOUWES DAM (aged 28 years), born in Niehove on April 5, 1869, died in gem. Achtk. on May 13, 1924, aged 55 years.

IV   (greatgrandparents)

8 KLAAS SJOUKES NAUTA, born in gem. Oostdong.Dl on July 25, 1813, living in Oostermeer, died in Opsterland on April 2, 1853, aged 39 years. He was married in Bergum, gem. Tietj.Dl on February 10, 1838, at the age of 24 to

9 AALTJE REINDERS BOETES (aged 21 years), born in Harkema Opeinde on October 30, 1816, died in Opsterland on August 1, 1853, aged 36 years.

10 KOBUS (COOP) JETZES KOOISTRA, born in the year 1816, living in Rauwerderhem, died in gem. Rauwerderhem on July 26, 1889, aged 73 years. (He was married afterwards in gem. Rauwerderhem on October 16, 1862, at the age of 46 to JANTJE LOLKES ONGELUK (aged 38 years), born in the year 1824, died in gem. Rauwerderhem on October 27, 1898, aged 74 years, daughter of LOLKE JANS ONGELUK and HISKE BAUKES VISSER.) He was married in gem. Rauwerderhem on December 7, 1844, at the age of 28 (1) to

11 MAAIKE LUITZENS SCHAAP (aged 29 years), born in the year 1815, died in gem. Rauwerderhem on January 10, 1854, aged 39 years.

12 SIETZE MULDER. He was married to

13 BOUKTJE VAN DER KOOI, living in Surhuizum.

14 DOUWE DAM, born in Noordhorn, gem. Zuidhorn in the year 1839, living in Niehove. (He was married afterwards in Oldehove on July 17, 1872, at the age of 33 to ANTJE BOLD (aged 26 years), born in Waard, gem. Grijpskerk in the year 1846, daughter of LOUWE JANS BOLD and ANKTJE HOEKSEMA.) He was married in Oldehove on May 10, 1866, at the age of 27 (1) to

15 JANNA DE ROOS (aged 25 years), born in Niehove, gem. Oldehove in the year 1841, living in Visvliet and in Niehove.

V   (greatgreatgrandparents)

16 SJOUKE KLAZES NAUTA, born in Kollum in the year 1790, living in Engwierum and in Oostermeer, died there on January 26, 1860, aged 70 years. He was married in gem. Oostdong.Dl on August 26, 1812, at the age of 22 to

17 ANTJE JANS ZIJLSTRA (aged 22 years), born in Engwierum in the year 1790, living there, died in gem. Tietj.Dl on January 21, 1855, aged 65 years.

18 REINDER MEINES BOETES, born in Augustinusga on December 28, 1794, living there, in Kooten and in Harkema Opeinde. (He was married afterwards in Buitenpost, gem. Achtk. on May 25, 1828, at the age of 33 to NIESKE WIEBRENS BOERSMA (aged approximately 24 years), born in Kooten circa 1804, died before 1871, aged at most 67 years, daughter of WIEBREN ETES BOERSMA (farmer) and ANTJE BOUWES VAN DER MEULEN (farmer's wife).) He was married in gem. Augustinusga (Canton Buitenpost) on August 8, 1816, at the age of 21 (1) to

19 JANKE POPKES ZUIDEMA (aged 21 years), born in Augustinusga on February 2, 1795, living in Surhuizum, died in the year 1822, aged 27 years.

20 JETZE KOOISTRA. He was married to


22 LUITZEN SCHAAP. He was married to


28 JAN DOUWES DAM. He was married to


30 BRAND JANS DE ROOS. He was married to


This report was prepared on Thursday January 29, 2004 with Haza‑Data Plus 7.2f
by: James Kooistra, R.R.1, Williamsburg, Ontario, K0C 2H0 CANADA